Voice 4 Change

Voice 4 Change: A Spoken Word Showcase, invites national award winning writers to perform their narratives of survival, celebrate diversity, and promote cultural competency at universities and community colleges throughout Southern California. Founded in 2014 by Professor Karla Cordero, Voice 4 Change is a multi-layered event broken into five major components: class curriculum, writing workshops, student service learning, open-mic performances, and student published work. 

 Voice 4 Change was birthed into existence to give students at the university and community college level the space to write vulnerably, build confidence in the act of performance, interact with published authors, and reclaim their narratives. 

Team: Event Coordinator and Program Director: Karla Cordero DJ: Gill Sotu Graphic Design and Marketing: Mario DeMatteo


Past Events


Poets: Pages Matam & Simply Kat

Voice for Change 2017 Miracosta.jpg

Poets: Yesika Salgado & Angela Aguirre